Kick Yor Food Cravings

I bet you have tried every diet out there.

Maybe you have fasted, removed entire food groups out of your diet leaving you unsatisfied and well... hungry.

So, you raid the refrigerator or worse the pantry at all hours of the day and night which leaves you feeling guilty. You know that you need to get a handle on the way you eat. Nothing you have tried thus far has stuck and you find yourself back at square one time and again.

It's time to kick your food cravings and get control of your diet.

Take The 5 Day Challenge

Hi there, my name is Andrea Hayley-Sankaran, the joyful cook.

I am a certified Ayurvedic Digestive Health Coach and a vegetarian chef of 25 years.

My expertise helps people transform their mindset toward cooking so that balanced living feels compelling and achievable.

I firmly believe in the power within each individual to heal naturally, without surgeries, pharmaceuticals, or expensive supplements.

We start by focusing on what we eat and to do that we must Kick our Food Cravings!

What you will learn

  • 4 easy strategies to end the Vicious Cycle of food cravings

  • Identify your trigger points, so that you can avoid, or minimize, the mental pain associated with cravings.

  • Retrain your mind to translate your cravings into something you feel good about eating.

I can’t wait to see how much better you feel when you triumph over your unhealthy food cravings and open new doors to health and happiness this season.

Because when you give your body what it NEEDS, it thanks to you by feeling GREAT.

What You Will Receive

  • 5 Written Message

  • 5 Videos

  • Daily Assignments

  • Strategies

  • Support

  • Encouragement

  • Balance


Create 5 Dinners in One Hour Framework - $29 value

Are You Ready to Kick Your Food Cravings?